Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

This is What a True Gentleman Does...

I found a good article,
uhm a nice note actually

This is What a True Gentleman Does...

A gentleman knows how to begin a conversation.


If a gentleman is subjected to a rude remark or rude behavior, he does not offer rudeness in return.


A gentleman allows others to finish their sentences. Even in his most brilliant moments, he does not interrupt.


A gentleman does not talk with his mouth full - even over the phone.


A gentleman is slow to judge the actions of others, either in their public or private affairs.


A gentleman never corrects another person's grammar - unless he is teaching an English class.


A gentleman does not take part in major arguments over minor issues.


A gentleman makes a conscious effort to use correct grammar, but he resists all temptation to sound overly grand.


A gentleman does not pretend to speak languages that he has not made his own.


A gentleman never asks a woman if she is pregnant.


A gentleman avoids raising his voice and does not shout others down - even in the most heated discussion.


A gentleman says "Excuse me," not "I'm sorry" when he inconveniences someone while moving through a crowded room.


A gentleman never begins a statement with "I don't mean to embarrass you but..."


When it comes to accepting social invitations, a gentleman never waits for something better to come along.


A gentleman does not ask anyone - male or female - to divulge his or her age.


When a gentleman initiates a telephone conversation, he knows it is his responsibility to end that conversation.


A gentleman does not use his cell phone when he is at a table with others.


Once a gentleman discovers that he must decline an invitation that he has already accepted, he promptly alerts his host.


When a gentleman receives a number of invitations on his voice mail, he accepts the first one.


A gentleman does not engage in arguments, of any sort, at the dinner table.


When a gentleman is confronted by foolishness, he does not attempt to refute it with reason. Instead, he keeps silent.


A gentleman never claims to have seen a movie or read a book about which he has only read reviews.


In a civil conversation, and when attempting to meet new friends, a gentleman asks the question "What do you think?" often.


A gentleman sincerely appreciates any gift that comes his way, and pens a thank you note to show his gratitude.


A gentleman knows that a toast need not be epic in length, but usually a few well thought out words will convey his wishes.


A gentleman knows that the freshest toast of the evening is the first one offered.


A gentleman knows that, beer steins excepted, he may not toast with anything resembling a coffee cup.


A gentleman never uses a toast to ridicule or embarrass a friend.


A gentleman does not take it upon himself to deliver a toast at a breakfast meeting.


When a gentleman will have guests in his home, he makes sure the toilets are clean and there is plenty of toilet paper.


When a gentleman throws a party, he goes to the grocery store and the liquor store early in the day, and buys plenty of ice.


A gentleman understands that a hat exists for utilitarian purposes, and that it should never be worn inside.


A gentleman always removes his hat during any formal prayers.


If a gentleman has a cold, especially if he is running a fever, he declines all social invitations.


If a gentleman has left a message for another person, he does not leave badgering follow-up calls.


Even if he lives alone, a gentleman never drinks milk directly from the container.


At a concert or any musical performance, a gentleman does not applaud until the end of a complete musical number.


A gentleman does not pick his nose in public. In fact, he is wise that he does not pick his nose at all.


In a theater, church, or any place where people have gathered, a gentleman always turns his cell phone off.


When a gentleman arrives late for a church service, he waits for a suitable pause in the service before sitting down.


A gentleman always thinks before he speaks.


hmm i hope be a lady for "that" gentleman

source klik here

9 komentar:

  1. So much to be a so-called true gentleman...

  2. tambah satu, definisi literalnya:
    gentle= lembut
    man= laki²

  3. mba wen...terjemahiiiin..

    gentleman is about behave..

  4. wah baru tahu gentle = lembut
    tp pas search di google ketemunya gambar pria Eropa jaman dulu ==a

  5. hmm apa ya
    intinya "gentleman is about behave.." hiihihhi

  6. itu mah kesimpulan dari aku....

    gimana siiiii.......=(

  7. hahhahh
    oke oke
    ap ya?
    Intinya memperlakukan orang lain sm seperti memperlakukan dirinya sendiri :p
