Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011


"Everyone just need to respect.
So try to respect each other."

Tiba-tiba aja tuh kalimat itu hinggap di pikiranku. Awalnya bingung sendiri juga kok bisa ya itu kalimat nyelonor masuk aja gitu. Aku juga ga lagi dalam keadaan disrespect by someone.

Dan setelah kelamaan mikir itu, barulah akhirnya aku tersadar. Ini berawal dari aku nonton Afgan di Dahsyatnya Award tadi siang. Disitu dia kan duet sama Charlie ST12. Awalnya nyanyi lagunya ST12 dan Afgan menunjukkan kualitasnya sebagai seorang penyanyi dengan hafal lagu ST12 n tetep berkarakter. LUPH U AFGAN

Pemandangan beda aku liat waktu lagu ke-2, yaitu mereka nyanyi pake lagunya Afgan yg Dia, dia, dia. Keliatan banget Charlie ga hafal sama lagunya. Dan saat liat itu aku mikir, "Ini orang kok gak respect ya sama Afgan?". Ya aku mikirnya dengan Afgan hafal lagunya ST12 itu membuktikan kalo dia respect sama ST12.

Itu cuma awal mula aja kenapa tulisan ini ada jadi aku sama sekali gak maksud untuk memojokkan seseorang. Jadi bagi para fans Charlie sebelumnya maaf itu cuma pendapat pribadiku saja.

Sebenarnya "respect" itu apa se?
Kalo kata kamu seh kayak gini :

respect kb. 1 rasa hormat. 2 kehormatan. 3 respek. 4 hal. -respects j. kunjungan kehormatan kepada. -kkt. menghormati (o.s.). 2 mematuhi. -respected ks. 1 yang dihormati. 2 mulia (group). -respecting kd. meng

Jadi intinya itu "menghormati", tapi aku lebih seneng mengartikannya sebagai "menghargai"

Setiap orang memang ingin dihargai oleh orang lain, kan?
Kalo da orang lagi ngomong, didengerin
Kalo minta dibantuin, bilang "tolong"
Kalo punya salah, minta maaf
Dan banyak lagi contohnya di kehidupan sehari-hari

Tapi sering orang ga sadar kalo mereka cuma ingin dihargai sama orang lain dan lupa kalo perlu menghargai orang lain.
Aku sendiri juga ga sepenuhnya bisa menerapkannya, tapi aku akan coba untuk menghargai orang lain.

Karena aku ga suka dicubit, aku ga akan nyubit orang
Dan karena aku suka teman-temanku di sisiku, aku akan ada di sisi mereka juga

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Quote Dorama

It's my favourite quote dorama

"At the moment when you're about to lose the person you love the most in life,  You'll realize that he/she is the one"
(Proposal Daisakusen)

"It's called love because you can't forget it immediately, right?" (Proposal Daisakusen)

"Spending time with friend is priceless"
 (Proposal Daisakusen)

"It's not that simple to be needed by someone"
 (Honey and Clover)

"Crying from the pain of aspiring something, and crying from having nothing to aspire;
I wonder which is more difficult"
 (Honey and Clover)

"I am not lose because i don't have a map. I don't have a purpose" (Honey and Clover)

"Everyone wants to run away when there's trouble.
But if you run away then, that's it, isn't it?"

"Honestly, it's painful to see you dragging mayama along all the time.
But you know, that's not the kind of problem you can solve by being alone.
So, let's stay together"
 (Honey and Clover)

"If you can't trust someone, you can't gain trust from that person in return"

If you can't protect your students, there's no point in being a teacher (Gokusen)

"What's wrong with falling down? You can always stand up again"
 (Ichi Rittoru No Namida)

"No matter who it is, if they make a mistake, they should apologize
Isn't that how humans should act?"

"Even if it's one hour, if i watch my student properly,
I will know him"

"Don't you think that jumping to the help of their friend
Without thinking consequences is something not everyone
Can easily do?"

"Everyone wants something they won't get.
We're still immature
Love, entrance exams, our future
We're still uncertain about them
That's why everyone's together. .  To help each other"
 (My Boss My Hero)

"A wound caused by betrayal isn't so easily mended"
 (Buzzer Beat)

"What we all pledge towards the future were simple things,
And the more we grew older, we'd come to realize actually how difficult such simple things were"
 (Orange Days)

"Memaafkan adalah memberi sedikit ruang pada rasa benci"
 (Moment to Remember)

"Those who say they'll do it next time are idiots
Those who say they'll do it tomorrow are also idiots"
 (Proposal Daisakusen)

"If someone gives it his all, he can do almost anything"
 (Proposal Daisakusen)

"For a girl, "fine" comes with a lot of hidden meanings"
 (Zettai Kareshi)

"The hardest it is to face someone, the more important it is to get up the courage to see them"
 (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge)

"If you don't face it, you might never get over it"
 (Proposal Daisakusen)

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

I am??

What is it called??
When there's a light on your face but there's just an ice freezing in your heart?

What is it called??
When  you see something but your only sight just on your thought?

What is it called??
When you're just need someone's shoulder  to cry on but actually there's nobody in your side?

It's so pathetic to realize it when you're in this age
It's an age where your must having your fun
It's an age where you're just do what you want
And it's an age where you should know what you wanted to be

But why i don't feel so?
Am i not right to have my age fun?
Am i not right to do what i want?
Am i really not right to know what i wanted to be?

It's really like breathe in the empty, lone, drain room